Counterfeit drug analysis expertise including chemical analysis and physical investigations of product and packaging to address health risks posed by falsified medicines through

Counterfeit drug analysis is critical to combating the illicit market for counterfeit and fake medications which is a global industry worth billions, causing significant economic harm and posing serious health risks to the public. These risks include direct toxicity, ineffective treatments. To combat this challenge, there is a need for advanced analytical techniques that can rapidly test and identify suspicious medicines particularly in light of an increasing frequncy of falsified medicines entering legal healthcare supply chains around the world.

Falsified medicines can be viewed as a health threat, as they may contain low quality or even the wrong ingredients, or alternatively, contain active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in the wrong doses or not at all. They may also be deliberately and fraudulently mislabeled and packaged with respect to their identity.  Counterfeit medicines are medicines that do not comply with intellectual property rights or are those that infringe a trademark.

Counterfeit drug analysis expertise

Our counterfeit drug analysis expertise is ideally positioned to address the highly technical issues involved in investigating the increasingly sophisticated falsified medicines or counterfeit medicines being discovered in legitimate supply chains. As a key tool in our pharmaceutical supply chain surveillance for counterfeit medicines services, our laboratory network employ a wide scope of investigative analytical technology such as mass spectrometry (MS), infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy, RAMAN spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS), liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and more, to explore and assist in the identification of fake medicines. 

Our counterfeit medicine testing laboratories include labs which provide analytical testing to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) compliant requirements and are on the WHO list of Prequalified Quality Control Laboratories (since 2014) and hold Good Manufacturing Practice Compliant (GMP) certification and is FDA inspected. Bringing quality and safety to life, we offer Total Quality Assurance expertise to help you to meet and exceed quality, safety and regulatory standards. 

Chemical and physical counterfeit pharmaceutical investigations:

Intertek support pharmaceutical clients by applying NMR technology to identify and quantify active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in drug products.

NMR Screening Methodology

The methodology typically involves solvent extraction and quantification using appropriate internal standards. These methods have highlighted cases where APIs were completely absent from the product and instances where the API levels were at major variance from the stated dose. When issues such as these are identified through screening, it is then important to validate methods before investigating further.

NMR Analysis Services

Our laboratories provide advanced NMR analytical investigations of falsified medicines. State-of-the-art instrumentation combined with experienced scientists, who can interpret and design advanced experiments, position us to offer accurate and reliable data and troubleshooting during complex scientific investigations. The NMR team provides a highly efficient service, including an overnight service with access to automatic web-enabled analytical results via a secure server (similar MS services are also available). The instruments are qualified to both GLP and cGMP standards, enabling NMR data to be used in regulatory projects and pharmaceutical quality control.

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Intertek Switzerland Analytical Laboratory

Intertek (Schweiz) AG
TechCenter Reinach
Kägenstrasse 15
CH-4153 Reinach, Switzerland
T: +41 61 686 4800

Intertek Pharmaceutical Services Manchester
P.O. Box 42
Hexagon Tower
Manchester, M9 8ZS
United Kingdom

For location use: M9 8GQ

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Intertek Pharmaceutical Services

P.O. Box 470
291 Route 22 East
Salem Industrial Park
Whitehouse, NJ 08888

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